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Another Item Sold

February 11th, 2013 at 10:27 pm

I had one item listed on ebay that sold last night for $27. I was going to mail it out today but I went to the dentist this morning and she ended up doing the extraction. I didn't feel any pain but alot of tugging and pulling but I had on my ipod so I tried to phase everything out. Looks like I will be juicing and doing smoothies for a few days. I plan on mailing the package out tomorrow, just chilling out for the rest of the day.

Monthly snowflake total: $380.50
2013 Snowfake challenge: $806.91!!!

Important Documents

February 10th, 2013 at 10:17 pm

So today I've been scanning in important documents so that I have a backup for the originals in case of emergencies. Below is what I've done so far, do u guys see anything I've missed? Now that I have things scanned in, I plan on printing them out and putting copies in my "love box"; the originals go back into my fire proof safe. I already have electronic copies of insurance police(auto and home) so that's why they're not on the list.

Birth certificates
Marriage/Divorce certificates
Driver's License/Passport/ID cards
SS cards
DD Form 214
Immunization records
Car title
Bill of Sale for car since it was a private sale
Front and back of debit/credit cards(yes I still have a credit card but any charges are paid in full every month)
VA Disability award paperwork

Legacy Drawer Update

February 10th, 2013 at 04:18 am

So in an effort to get my financial house in order this month, I started closing accounts that I haven't used in years. Well one of those accounts was with Scottrade, I used them in the past to buy individual stocks. Since I haven't bought stocks in a few years I decided to close that account. I sold the small remaining stocks I had and with the amount of extra money that was just sitting there for trading, I received my check today for $237.50

That check puts me over my monthly snowflake goal of $350 and now I'm sitting at $353.50!! I also have an auction ending tomorrow on ebay that has 6 bids on it already. I can't believe that it's only February and I'm up to $779.91 in snowflakes for just goes to show u that small amounts add up when you're paying attention to them and telling your money where to go!

So for now I'm telling my first $750 in snowflakes to fund my Christmas fund! Christmas fund 2013 is now complete and it's only February!!!

Disconnect Day Update

February 9th, 2013 at 05:32 pm

Well I successfully completed another disconnect day but I didn't have the root canal. After further eval, it was determined that the affected back tooth was cracked and it's better if it's extracted. So I was referred back to my original dentist. I made an appointmeent to see her on Monday so we will see.

Since I already had my mind set on the disconnect day, I went ahead and completed it. It was somewhat easier than last month but it def seems to get hard when I get bored and just want to grab the laptop to waste time but I didn't!!! YAY me

Craiglist Sale

February 8th, 2013 at 01:53 am

I finally sold an item that I've had listed for about a week for my full asking price of $50. I also received another check from Pinecone today for $3. That brings my new total to $116/350! Tomorrow is my 2nd disconnect day so I will check back in on Saturday!!

2013 Snowflake total:$542.41

Disconnect Day-February

February 7th, 2013 at 03:17 am

As I posted before, it is my goal to have at least one day a month where I disconnect from the internet. Well my next one will be Friday, 8 Feb. I'm getting a root canal done that morning so I figured that day will be a good one to just chill out. I've never had a root canal and I'm very uptight but praying all goes well.

Feb Financial Focus Update

February 6th, 2013 at 08:33 pm

For the month of February I'm going to challenge myself to complete his 30 Day Legacy Drawer Challenge.

Well I'm happy to say that my consultation with the lawyer went very well. She was amazed at how in depth my trust documents were so I'm glad about that seeing how I had them prepared over 10 years ago in another state. The main thing that I need to get done immediately is to get the deeds to both my primary property and rental transferred into the trust. This will be done via a Quit Claim Deed transferring it out of my name into the name of my trust. My rental property is located in a different state so we have to make sure that there's no transfer tax either.

Another thing that intrigued me was the thought of placing my rental property into an irrevocable living trust. The only thing is that I would not be abe to change it after it's created. The reason I'm giving this any thought is becuase I have a special needs child whom will be incapable of self care and this is a guranteed way of "asset protection", it can't be touch even if I'm sued. The lawyer also stated that an umbrella insurance policy may also serve the same purpose so I wiil definitely be looking into that since I do in fact have rental property.

Next step: I need to scan in all my important documents so that I have back up copies.

StateFarm Snowflake

February 6th, 2013 at 04:41 am

A couple weeks ago I took a survey for Statefarm that took me maybe 5 minutes to complete. Today I got awarded a $10 Amazon giftcard for my time.....I'll definitely take it!!

Yesterday I received $3 for Pinecone and $15 worth of Walmart giftcards via Swagbucks. I chose to go with Walmart this year versus Amazon becuase I found myself spending unnecessarily with Amazon. I only purchase groceries with the Walmart cards and I take it out of my grocery budget.

Finally on Sunday I listed an item on ebay and as of yesterday it already had 1 bidder and 9 watchers!!

Snowflakes so far $63/350 and it's only the 5th of Feb!!!

2013 Snowflakes: $489.41

Super Bowl Snowflake

February 4th, 2013 at 03:31 pm

I'm not much of a gambler but whenever there's a big game or boxing match, I take $20 of my blow money and put it on the underdog. Well thanks to the Ravens, I now have $35 snowflake and of course I got my $20 back on top of that. Good way to start a week!! My snowflake goal for the month is $350, so only $315 to go..

Sell Off Challenge Update

January 29th, 2013 at 08:12 pm

Last night I had another item sell on ebay, it was only $5 but I'll take it for something small that was just sitting around the house. This one was a surprise becuase there wasn't any watchers on the item and when I checked with only 10 minutes left there wasn't any bidders. I have another item ending tomorrow and it would be great to end the month with another item sold! So for the month of January I've managed to sell $152.61 worth of stuff!!! Not sure how next month will go but it's still all good.

Jan Sell Off Challenge $152.61
2013 Snowflakes:$426.41

Late Sunday Snowflake

January 28th, 2013 at 05:32 am

One of the books I had listed on Ebay sold for $9.99 tonight and they already paid. I will ship it off in the morning. I'm going to relist the other item and I have one that ends tomorrow. I don't think it's going to sell but if not I will just relist.

Sell Off Challenge Total: $147.61, it would be cool to get to $150 by the end of the month but we will see

2013 Snowflakes: $421.41

Another Goal Completed

January 27th, 2013 at 03:25 am

One of my goals for 2013 is to try a new veggie or fruit every month. Well today I had red swiss chard for the first time ever. I had it in a smoothie with an apple,avocado,flax seeds,water,and a little POM juice. It wasn't bad at all, actually very mild. I caught it on sale at Whole Foods for $1.99 and it's organic!!

Jan Disconnect Day--completed
Jan New Veggie/Fruit--completed

Snowflake/Sell Off Challenge Update

January 26th, 2013 at 01:49 am

This month is turning out to be awesome for snowflakes! I haven't posted in a few days but here's where I am since last post.

Cash4Books: $4.30
Pinecone: $3
SecondSpin: $18.94
Swagbucks: $25
Survey for VA: $25
Closed Sharebuilder Account: $35

Sell Off Challenge Total: $137.62
2013 Snowflake Total: $411.42, now that's an avalanche!!!!

Legacy Drawer/Box Update

January 24th, 2013 at 02:18 am

I recently posted about getting my financial house in order and WOW is this challenge an eye opener already for me. First I realized I have too many accounts(3 checking and 1 savings) so now I'm in the process of closing a couple. Secondly, since I'm currently working on the "Financial Accounts Log" of the challenge, I'm realizing I have small amounts of money sitting in accounts I haven't used for at least 2 years. Mainly these accounts were used when I was purchasing individual stocks(Sharebuilder) and I guess I just left them open with the idea of buying more stocks at a later date. Since I haven't in the past 2 years, I sold the small amounts that was there and now I'm looking at some snowflakes of over $150!!

So food for many accounts do you have and are they all necessary?

February Financial Focus

January 23rd, 2013 at 02:06 am

As some of you may know, I follow Dave Ramsey. For the month of February I'm going to challenge myself to complete his 30 Day Legacy Drawer Challenge. According to Dave "A legacy drawer is a drawer in your home that contains all the important information that your family needs if something happens to you. It gets the name from the fact that you love your family so much that you get all your matters in order so that the information is easy to get to and understand.

It’s not just papers thrown together. It should be organized so anyone could quickly find a certain document within 20 seconds. Everything is clearly marked, in order, and easy for a grieving family member to find."

I'm not going to use a drawer but a filing system I already have. Now don't get me wrong, I have the important documents in place like a Will and a Living Trust", but are they in centralized location? Does my mom and brother(since I'm single) know where everything is located, unfortunately the answer is no. So my first course of action is to complete the "Financial Accounts Log" This will list out all my accounts with addresses and account numbers on one consolidated document.

So I leave u with this thought, if something tragic were to happen to you or someone in your family, would anyone know where to look for important information? If your answer is no, please join me in getting your financial house in order.

Sunday Sell Off Challenge Update

January 21st, 2013 at 03:36 am

Last week I had a book listed on Ebay but it didn't sell. Well I relisted it and u guessed it, the auction closed out tonight and the seller has paid. That's another $10.50 for the challenge bringing total to $118.68 and 2013 Snowflake total to $304.48! Off to list a couple more books!!

Sell Off Challenge Update

January 19th, 2013 at 08:31 pm

I got paid for one shipment to for $27.37, waiting on another payment hopefully later this week. Bringing total to $108.18! Another one of my ebay items has a bid on it and it closes out tomorrow.

2013 Snowflakes: $293.98, I will definitely pass $300 so let's bump that up to $350! Go big or go home!!

Thank You for the Snowflake

January 18th, 2013 at 08:04 pm

I'm not sure if it was someone from here or not but I just wanted to say thanks for using my Cash4books referral. Because of u, I just received a $7 snowflake so I say thanks again! Hopefully u were able to sell alot of books and put some snowflakes in your pocket as well.

New 2013 Snowflake total: $266.61!

Sell Off Challenge Update

January 16th, 2013 at 07:43 pm

I had another item that sold on Monday evening for $7. That brings my total for this challenge to $80.81. My goal was to sell at least $100 worth of stuff and I should surpass that when I receive payment for the items I sold to

New snowflake total: $259.61! How's everyone else doing with selling unwanted items??

Disconnect Day-Jan 2013

January 16th, 2013 at 04:26 pm

Thanks to those that joined me! I'm Back!! Wow that was somewhat harder than I thought but I DID IT!!! It's just crazy how I have become so "consumed" by the internet. The main thing that I learned but kinda already knew is that its a time filler for me. I learned that whenever I don't want to do something or I get bored then I just grab my laptop to waste time. Another thing I think will help with this is to not have my laptop in my bedroom. Since I have the wireless router, it makes it so easy to just grab it but I think if I left it in the computer room then I wouldn't use it as much(at least that's my thought process). So my 1st Disconnect Day is now complete, only 11 more to go!

Disconnect Day

January 14th, 2013 at 01:27 am

I spend entirely too much time browsing the internet while I could be doing more productive things, so I decided to have a "Disconnect Day" as one of my goals for 2013. My first Disconnect Day will be Tuesday, 15 Jan! Anyone care to join me??

My plan of action for success is to make me out a to-do-list for the day. I will start on it tonight and post about it tomorrow.

52 Week Money Challenge Check-in

January 13th, 2013 at 07:20 pm

Currently I'm saving all my $1 bills and coins for this challenge and I'm up to $10(week 4).

How's everyone doing?

Snowflakes at PetSmart

January 13th, 2013 at 12:03 am

I had previously completed a survey that printed on my receipt from taking my dog in for grooming. It was for $3 off next purchase. When I took my dog in today I asked the cashier if they accepted the survey coupon even if it had expired(which mine did a couple of days ago) and she said yes!! So that was $3 off my total and another survey for $3 printed at the end of my receipt this time! And to top it off, I guess the cashier saw how happy I was, she gave me another survey receipt that the previous customer in front of me didn't want!! So that's another $3 bucks. I will be reducing my pet envelope by $9 and adding it to my snowflakes for the year.

So I'm off to complete the surveys then I'm going back to the store and get 12 cans of dog food for free!!

Forgotten Snowflake

January 11th, 2013 at 06:23 pm

I totally forgot about a rebate that I sent off for last month I think for some dog food. Well, I got the check today in the mail for $10.99....bringing total to $236.31!!

Good Mail Day

January 9th, 2013 at 07:10 pm

I received a check in the mail for $20.16 from Shopathome. That brings my monthly snowflake total to $225.32. If you're not familar with, it's just like ebates in that it pays u a certain % back for just going through their site to do online shopping that you normally would be doing. I often time check both sites and go with the one that's offering the most back. I've never had a problem with either site. You can check either out on my side bar.

I should be having a few more good mail days here shortly hopefully. I sold a book to and of course some stuff to It's going to be a good month for snowflakes!!

It's Still Snowing!!

January 8th, 2013 at 08:36 pm

Snowflakes that is, my second item sold on Ebay last night for $18.50 so I'm adding that to the Sell Off Challenge. That brings my challenge total to $69.51 and my monthly snowflake total to $205.16!! I have a few more items that I might list tomorrow as well.

SecondSpin Bonus Code Extended

January 8th, 2013 at 04:29 am

Looks like they extended the bonus code I previously posted about. If you have old CDs,movies,games sitting around, check out They have a bonus code of NEWYEARSELL good until 13Jan for 20% bonus. Just add code at checkout. Plus if you go through on my side bar) you get 4% cash back. Once again code is good through 13 Jan!

Meatless Monday

January 8th, 2013 at 02:54 am

While I was deployed to Iraq from 2009-2010, a group of us started doing Meatless Monday. I've done it off and on since then but decided to try and get more consistent about it. Well today was a sucess although it ended up being a bit more hectic day than I thought it would.

I already know that prior planning is the key to my success with this so I have to make sure I plan and prep my meals on Sunday. I was also able to order my Bountiful Basket today for the first time in a few weeks becuase of the holidays. That will surely help with Meatless Monday and my goal of trying a new veggie or fruit every month!!

Sell Off Challenge Update

January 7th, 2013 at 04:47 am

I made my first sale today via Ebay for $51.01 and they've already paid. I have the item already boxed up and ready to tomorrow. I have another auction that ends tomorrow and it has 2 bids as well!

SnowFlake Coins

January 5th, 2013 at 08:17 pm

In 2012 I started keeping all of my change. Instead of counting it myself, I dumped it in a BoA deposit bag on Monday and let them count it. Doing it that way it took a few days to hit my account so it just hit yesterday in the amount of $65.65. Even though it was coins saved in 2012, I'm counting it towards 2013 since that's when I have cash in hand. So that brings my 2013 Snowflake total up to $135.65! Off to a strong start!!

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