Home > January Net Worth

January Net Worth

February 1st, 2010 at 06:42 pm

One of things I challenged myself to do this year is to keep track of my net worth. I sporadically did it last year but this year I want to be able to look back in Jan 2011 and see how far I've come.

Well I've completed January's and I'm pleasantly surprised. I always knew I was doing well financially, but I guess just seeing it all laid out in one spot makes a big difference. I'm not trying to toot my own horn but when you're single and going at it alone then sometimes you gotta pat yourself on the back. I'm happy to say that my net worth is in the 6 digits to the good!

Do you track your net worth? Whether it's positive or negative, I think it will make you look at your situation a little differently.

4 Responses to “January Net Worth”

  1. Apprentice Bliss Hunter Says:

    Fantastic ! Six figures is VERY substantial in my view.

    I just recently entered 5 figures ! lol but am content that I'm going in the right direction ! :-)

  2. Broken Arrow Says:

    Six figures? By yourself? In the military?

    Are you an independent contractor?

    In any case, congratulations! That is a huge achievement! And yeah, when you're going at it by yourself, sometimes you do have to pat yourself in the back.

    I've been tracking mine for a few years now.

  3. beawealthywarrior Says:

    BA, no I'm not an independent contractor. I guess it just goes to show how one can save when they don't have any debt except a mortage. I'm hoping to pay that off in 2.5 years before I retire.

  4. Jerry Says:

    That is great and very impressive, because I know what the military pays. You are obviously making excellent financial decisions that lead to terrific results. Sure, the fed covers the TriCare insurance and other considerations, but I daresay most service members are not in your financial shoes. Um, boots. Keep it up!

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