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Refocusing on a Goal

November 12th, 2012 at 12:55 am

One of my goals for the year was to take the tests to become an Accredited Financial Counselor through AFCPE. Well needless to say I'm not going to make that goal but I did order the first round of material. With me starting a new job a month ago, it helped me to realize that now that I'm retired from the military and choosing to work becuase I want to, not because I have to that I'm going to now focus on doing what I love.

So for November and many months to come, I'm focusing on becoming an AFC. It has really helped me to break this goal down into action steps. The first thing I already completed was to type up all the learning objectives and review questions for all 9 topics. By doing this beforehand, as I'm reading the chapters, I can annotate the page numbers to the answers as I go and then go back and write out the answers later. I find that I retain more by writing the answers out, no matter how long it may be.

Secondly I determined that there are 57 chapters to read along with a couple study guide topics. As of now instead of focusing on a certain number of chapters, I want to complete 1 topic every two weeks. That includes all reading and writing out the answers to the review questions. Instead of going in order I'm going to start with the topics that I feel somewhat comfortable with. So I will start with Topic 6 which covers "Credit"....imagine that as a starting place. I may read a little tonight but tommorrow will be my official start date with the goal of having it done by 26 Nov...wish me luck

I will use my blog to track my progress!

1 Responses to “Refocusing on a Goal”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Good luck! I'm very interested in this idea as a possible job for me, as military spouse. Can't wait to hear about the updates.

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